[In the hot afternoon, people need something fresh and cool to drink, but didn't make body fat and didn't make any ill. Without ice but still it's fresh and cooling. What's the solution?]
apa sih ini? [What is this?]
Mari lihat lebih dekat!
[Let's see it closer!]
ah... ternyata air kelapa! [ah... so this is coconut water]
Saat panas memang paling enak minum air kelapa. Selain rendah kalori, air kelapa ternyata juga menyimpan sejuta manfaat lain untuk kesehatan. Salah satunya untuk proses detox tubuh dan juga yang paling terkenal adalah, sebagai eletrolit untuk mengganti cairan tubuh :)
Dan ternyata selain bermanfaat untuk kesehatan, air kelapa juga menyimpan sejuta manfaat untuk kecantikan. Wow... nggak nyangka ya. Di balik harganya yang murah, ternyata manfaatnya amat sangat banyak.
[In the hot days, the most suitable thing is drinking coconut water. It's low fat and has a million advantages for health. One of them is for body detox and also the most popular is, as an electrolit to exchange our body mineral :) ]
And in fact beside for health, coconut water has a million advantages for beauty also. Wow... never thought about it. Behind the low price, in fact the advantages are very much.]
Air kelapa dapat mengencangkan kulit, menghilangkan flek hitam di wajah & mencerahkan.
Cara yang paling sederhana adalah dengan menggunakannya sebagai masker. Kamu bisa mencampur air kelapa dengan susu, madu atau teh hijau. Terserah kamu, manakah yang paling sesuai dengan kondisi wajah kamu. Atau kalau mau yang lebih sederhana, bisa langsung oles air kelapanya di wajah. Seperti saya yang nggak suka ribet-ribet ^^
[Coconut water is anti wrinkle, manage black spot in face & whitening.
The most simple thing to use it is making it as masker. You can mix Coconut water with milk, honey or green tea. Everything is able. It's up to you. Which one is the most suitable for your skin. Or if you want some simpler thing, you can put it on your face without anything. Like me who hate complicated things^^]
gambar hanya ilustrasi. [illustration pic]
gambar hanya ilustrasi [illustration pic]
Yeah, nggak mungkin saya maskeran dengan make up seperti itu. XDDD.....
Seperti maskeran pada umumnya, setelah 10-30 menit, langsung cuci muka. :)
Well, mudah bukan. Untuk cantik dan sehat itu sebenarnya gampang. Bisa diperoleh dari bahan-bahan di sekitar kita. Hanya saja biasanya manusia tak bisa mengalahkan rasa malasnya sendiri. Saya pun sering begitu.
[Yeah, it's impossible for me to put on masker with make up like that. XDDD.....
Like the common maskering, after 10-30 minute, wash your face :)
Well, it's easy right? To be beautiful and healthy is actually simple. You can use everything around you. But sometimes human are too difficult to lose their own lazyness. I did it often too]
Puding Air Kelapa [Coconut Water Pudding]
Oia, bila bosan menikmati air kelapa hanya dengan meminumnya, maka kreatiflah membuat kreasi baru. Contohnya dengan membuatnya sebagai puding. Caranya gampang, campurkan jelly powder / agar-agar dengan air kelapa itu. Masak sesuai petunjuk di bungkus jelly / agar-agar. Selesai, dinginkan, makan deh^^
Okay,... saya akan berbagi postingan lagi ke depannya. Don't miss it!
[O yeah, if you are boring with just drinking the coconut water, so you have to be more creative to make new creation. For example is making it as pudding. It's simple to make, mix the jelly powder / pudding powder with the coconut water. Cook it as the direction to make in the pack of the powder / pudding powder. Done, make it cool, and it eat^^
Okay,... I will share more in the future. Don't miss it!]