Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

140527 Blue Kyuhyun :D

Today is Kyuhyunie's 8th years debut Anniversary, as the 13th Member and The Magnae of Super Junior.


Once more, I make a super Blue Editing for him :D

Ok,.. this is kinda funny. But I love making this things :D

Click the image for full view :)

Ok,.... Happy 8th Years Debut Anniversary for Kyuhyun Oppa :)

We're seriously greatfull to have you.

Always be healthy and Happy. I love you <3 br="">

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

[Review] Iria GOAT's MILK Hand & Body Lotion LAVENDER

O yeah,... saya kebali membawa Iria GOAT's MILK Hand & Body Lotion LAVENDER.

Mari langsung saja kita review :

Body lotion ini pertama saya lihat di Indomaret. Bersanding dengan beberapa produk Goat's Milk yang lain. Pengen sih, tapi belum beli dulu. Soalnya body lotion yang kemarin masih ada.

Bulan berikutnya saya lihat masih ada. Dan kali ini dengan discount yang lumayan. Woah.... saya langsung chusss.... kapan lagi dapet discount? XD

Dan saat ini sudah satu bulanan ini saya pakai body lotion ini.

Awalnya saya rada sebel sama wanginya. Strong banget. Jadi mirip sama tolak nyamuk T.T

Tapi begitu dioles ke kulit, wanginya menyatu dan ternyata nyaman banget. Nggak terlalu menyengat seperti waktu asih di dalam tube.

Kemasan bagian belakang :

Terdapat Claim, Cara pakai dan Komposisi.


Hand & Body Lotion dengan tekstur yang sangat ringan dan mudah menyerap. Diperkaya dengan susu kambing murni dan minyak zaitun untuk kulit lebih lembab dan halus. Mengandung UV Protection dan Whitening ekstrak untuk melindungi kulit dari sinar matahari dan membuat kulit tampak lebih cerah. Dengan wangi yang mewah dan tahan lama.


Oleskan pada seluruh tubuh setiap selesai mandi


Water, Propylene Glycol, Isopropyl Myristate, Strearic Acid, Clycerin, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycol Distrarate, dll

Bentuk Tube

Tube-nya princess banget deh pokoknya XDDD

Sebelum dan Sesudah

kiri : Sebelum dan tekstur lotion, tengah : saat diaplikasikan, kanan : sesudah pemakaian
'klik untuk ukuran full'

Gambar tidak di-EDIT sama sekali. Hanya penambahan watermark.


1. Tekturnya lembut
2. Nyaman dipakai
3. Lumayan cepat menyerap
4. Mengandung UV Protection
5. Isi banyak 250ml


1. Wanginya sedikit terlalu kuat / menyengat

HARGA Rp 24,000. Karena saat beli sedang discount, saya cukup keluar uang Rp 19,000 sajah.

BELI di Indomaret atau swalayan lain mungkin ada juga.



Well, sekian dulu review saya kali ini. Semoga membantu. Dan o iya,... Body Lotion ini Made In Indonesia loh. Hihihihi....

Terima kasih sudah berkunjung^^


O yeah,... I'm back bringing Iria GOAT's MILK Hand & Body Lotion LAVENDER.

So let's jump to the review :

First I found thisBody lotion in Indomaret. It's on the rack of another Goat's Milk products. I wanted it, but my previous Body Lotion is still there with me.

The next month I still saw it on the rack. And this time it came with a quiet big discount. Woah.... I just chuss it.... When will I get another discount? XD

And now almost a month I used this Body Lotion daily.

In the start I quiet hate the scent. It's too strong. It's kinda like mosquito's lotion T.T

But when I applied it to my skin, the scent becomes one with my skin and it's becoming comfy. Not as strong as it's still in the tube.

The back Tube :

There are Claim, How to use and Ingredients


Rich of pure goat's milk to capture moist and velvet-soft skin with it's light and easily absorbed lotion. UV Protection and Whitening extract to protect skin, and make a lighter skin looks. Luxury scent for all day long freshness.


Apply all over body after bath.


Water, Propylene Glycol, Isopropyl Myristate, Strearic Acid, Clycerin, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycol Distrarate, etc.

The Tube Shape

The tube is sooooo princess XDD

Before & After

left : Before applying and lotion's texture, center : while, right : After applying
'Click for full view'

The picture above didn't get any EDIT. Except the watermark.


1. The soft testure
2. Comfy to use
3. Quiet absorb quickly
4. Contains UV Protection
5. Big size 250ml


1. The scent a bit too strong

PRICE IDR 24,000. Because I got discount, I only purchased IDR 19,000

BUY in Indomaret or other market maybe it's there.



Well, that's all my review tonight. Hope it's useful. And o yeah,.. this Body Lotion is Made in Indonesia. Hihihihi.....

Thanks for visiting^^

Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

[Review] HELLO CARE Intensive PLACENTA COLLAGEN Treatment Mask 20g

Selamat malam,....

Sudah pernah mendengar brand HELLO CARE?

Jadi HELLO CARE ini adalah salah satu brand masker dari Korea.

Usut punya usut, Mask Sheet ini sangat terkenal di Korea dan Jepang lho. Baru masuk Indonesia tahun 2013 kemarin. Dan wajar bila beberapa dari kita masih sedikit asing dengan namanya.

Dan saya berkesempatan untuk mencobanya juga^^

Sedikit pemberitahuan bahwa HELLO CARE ini menyediakan banyak sekali varian untuk kita. Jangan sampai bingung memeilih ya. Karena pilihannya ada 30 jenis. Hihihi.....

HELLO CARE juga meng-claim bahwa di balik isi 20g yang tertera pada kemasan maskernya, sebenarnya berisi 22g. HELLO CARE ini juga memiliki kandungan Collagen dalam setiap Masker-nya.

Well, Varian pertama yang saya coba adalah HELLO CARE Intensive PLACENTA COLLAGEN Treatment Mask.

Berikut bagian belakang masker

Pada bagian belakang ini, tertera CLAIM, CARA PAKAI, PERINGATAN dan KOMPOSISI masker yang dibuat dalam 3 bahasa. Korea, Inggris dan Jepang.


Masker perawatan dengan ekstrak Phyto Placenta Kedelai yang membuat kulit halus melalui pelembaban kulit yang efektif, Selagi menjaga kulit tetap lembab dan tangguh, Collagen yang ada di dalamnya sangat efektif dalam memberikan kelembaban dan nutrisi.

3Layercel - Super Moisture 3 - Layer Sheet

3Layercel adalah sebuah Masker Sheet 3-Layer yang memiliki efek protektif excellent pada kulit. Membantu meningkatkan penyerapan dan nutrisi pada kulit dengan efek kelembaban yang lama.

Selain Claim di atas, perusahaan HELLO CARE juga meng-klaim bahwa Produk ini disertifikasi oleh EEG [European Environment-friendly Certification] dengan menggunakan PULP yang terbaik dari Jerman.


1. Setelah cleansing, pakai toner dan pelembab
2. Keluarkan masker dari sachet, letakkan perlahan ke wajah
3. Tunggu 20-30 menit, lepaskan
4. Pijatkan sisa Essence ke wajah dan sedikit lakukan tepukan
5. Selesai


Dan saat yang saya tunggu-tunggu adalah saat di mana saya akan meletakkan Mask-nya ke wajah saya,... Hmh... berasa adem dan nyaman di wajah.

Jiahahahahaha xd

Beberapa orang memilih untuk memasukkan masker dalam kulkas dulu baru memakainya. Katanya agar terasa lebih dingin. Tapi saya tidak. Begini saja sudah nyaman dan sejuk *jempol

Mari kita lihat sebelum dan sesudah pemakaian

Terlihat ya,.... setelah pemakaian kulit terlihat lebih halus dan sedikit lebih cerah. Btw, poto ini di upload tanpa editan kecuali watermark ^^


1. Meresap dengan cepat.
2. Nyaman dipakai
3. Efek langsung bisa dirasakan sejak pertama pemakaian.
4. Essence-nya banyak sekali. Sisa Essence tetap saya biaran di wadahnya, saya gunakan sebagai Essence sebelum memakai krim malam keesokan harinya ^^
5. Good price, No expensive.... kk
6. Mengandung Collagen.


1. Sedikit kurang suka wanginya. Bukan wangi sih sebenarnya. Bukan bau juga. Dan saya bingung harus mendeskripsikan bagaimana XD. Mungkin hanya belum terbiasa ;)

Tapi over all saya suka!

Rating : 5/5

Harga : 30 Pcs = Rp 250,000

Beli di sini.

Hitungannya satu masker hanya Rp 7,000. Padahal kalau beli bijian, harganya Rp 15,000 per pcs. Jauh lebih murah.

Well, Guys,... sekian dulu review saya kali ini. Semoga dapat membantu kalian semua yang ingin mencoba masker ini. Selamat malam~



Good evening,..... 
Have you heard about HELLO CARE brand? 

So this HELLO CARE is one of the Brands of mask sheet from Korea.

I heard that this Mask Sheet is really popular in Korea in Japan. It just entered Indonesia last year 2013. So it's okay that some of us didn't know about it yet.

And I got the chance to try it so^^

A little bit information that HELLO CARE gives so many variations of this mask for us. So don't be confused when choosing. Cause the choices are 30 variations. Hihihii.....

HELLO CARE also claimed that behind the contains that include in the sachet is 20g. But actully It's 22g. And HELLO CARE Mask contains Collagen in every varian of it.

Well, The first Varian that I tried is HELLO CARE Intensive PLACENTA COLLAGEN Treatment Mask.

This is the back of the sachet

In the back of the sachet, there are CLAIM, HOW TO USE, CAUTIONS and INGREDIENTS in 3 languages. Korean, English and Japanese.


a treatment mask with soybean phyto placenta extract that make your skin smooth through effective skin moisturizing effect, while maintaining your skin moist and resilient through it's collagen ingredients that is highly effectivein providing moisture and nutrients.

3Layercel - Super Moisture 3 - Layer Sheet

3Layercel is a 3Layer  mask sheet that has an excellent protective effect. It helps increase absorption and nourishment for skin with long time moisturizing effect.

Beside that Claims above, HELLO CARE Company alsi claimed that this product got certificated by EEG [European Environment-friendly Certification] by Using the best PULP from Germany.


1. After cleansing, use toner and moisturizer
2. Take out mask sheet from the sachet, put it on face.
3. Wait for 20-30 minutes, take it off unggu 
4. Massage the rest of the essence on your face and pat pat a lil bit. 
5. Done


And the most I wait moment is when I put the mask to my face.... Hmh... It feels cool and comfortable on face.

Jiahahahahaha xd

Some people choose to take the mask to refrigerator first before applying it. They said for the mask to be cooler. But I didn't do that. This is just as it is. And it's already comfortable *thumbs up

Let's see the before after using

You can see right.... after using my skin looks smoother and brighter. Btw, this pic taken without editing except the watermark.^^


1. Absorp quickly
2. Comfortable on face
3. The effect seen dirrectly after using
4. The essence is tooo oooo much. The rest of the essence, I just let em in the sachet, I used it as daily essence before using cream in the tomorrow days ^^
5. Good price, No expensive.... kk
6. Contains Collagen.


1. A lil bit doesnt like the scent. It's not a pleasant smell, but not unpleasant too. And I'm too confused how to describe it XD. Maybe cause I didn't adapt with it yet. ;)

But all over I love this musk !

Rating : 5/5

Price : 30 Pcs = IDR 250,000

Buy here.

The count is a mask priced only IDR 7,000. Usually if we buy it one pcs, It's IDR 15,000. So much cheaper.

Well, Guys,... that's all my review tonight. I hope it can be helpful for you guys who will buy this mask sheet. Good night~

Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

[Review] ETUDE HOUSE Precious Mineral BB Cream Bright Fit [No.2 Light Beige]


Sejujurnya saya akan memposting draft ini sejak senin lalu, tapi dikarenakan komputer saya hang, harus tertunda sampai sekarang. Hihihihi.....

Kali ini saya membawa ETUDE HOUSE Precious Mineral BB Cream Bright Fit. Warna yang saya gunakan adalah N02 [Light Beige]. Well, this is just sample again! ;)

No. 2 - Light Beige

Kemasan full-nya seperti ini


BB Cream paling best seller dari Etude House. Dengan kandungan mutiara, yang membuat kulit tampak bersinar tanpa takut luntur sepanjang hari.

Dengan keuntungan 5 in 1 :

1. Melekat dengan lembut
2. Kekuatan Brightening dari mutiaranya
3. Kulit cerah tahan lama
4. Melembabkan kulit
5. Menjaga warna kulit cerah


Light Beige
Natural Beige
Honey Beige
Sand Beige


Rp 145,000

Beli di sini.

Beauty Blogger baik di Indonesia ataupun luar negeri, banyak sekali yang memberi review positive pada BB Cream ini.

Tekstur-nya seperti ini :


Sangat lembut dan creamy. Sedikit encer tapi tak apa. Encer tapi tidak boros. Sedikit saja udah cover muka dengan sangat baik. Yang saya taruh di tangan itu terlalu banyak. Saya sampe repot masukin sisa yang saya pakai ke dalam sachet lagi. Hihihi.....

Mungkin kalau beli yang full size bakal hemat banget. Yang per sachet 1 mili saja, saya pakai 5 hari cukup. Kkkk

Mari melihat sebelum dan susudah memakai.

See my bare face :

Dengan BB Cream ini :

Well, susah banget cari cahaya yang bagus. Dan dua foto di atas sudah dapat cahaya terbaik T.T

Tapi masih terlihat perbedaannya kan... muka saya yang bawah terlihat lebih ngartis *Plakkkkk


Dan sampai sore pun ternyata BB Cream ini bertahan dengan baik. Terlihat Glowy gitu. Saya suka. 


1. Membuat wajah terlihat glowy
2. Membuat kesan super star pada wajah saya. Hahayyyy
3. Tidak mudah luntur
4. SPF cukup tinggi
5. Hemat


Tidak ada.

Apa saya akan beli full size? Jawabannya, IYA :D

Tapi nunggu BB cream saya yang sekarang habis dulu. Dan nunggu uang jatuh dari langit. Kkkk.... Maksudnya nunggu rejeki lebih lapang. Aamiin.

Rating : 5/5

Berikut ada foto saya yang lain selain foto di atas, saat memakai BB cream ini. Kondisi sudah sore, setelah pulang kerja.

Foto di atas diambil saat saya dimintai tolong nyobain baju2 dagangan sepupu saya, setelah pulang kerja :D

Well, sekian dulu review saya kali ini saudara-saudara. Sampai jumpa di lain kesempatan. Kkkk.... Selamat Malammmm.....


Good evening,....

Honestly I wanted to post this draft since last Monday, but cause of my PC got hang, It has to be delayed until now. Hihihihi.....

This time I brought ETUDE HOUSE Precious Mineral BB Cream Bright Fit. The shade that I use is N02 [Light Beige]. Well, this is just sample again! ;)

No. 2 - Light Beige

The full size is like this


This BB Cream is the most best seller from Etude House. With pearl ingredients, that make skin looks shiny without worry to smudge along day.

With 5 advantages in 1 :

1. Applied on face softly. 

2. Abality of Brightening from the pearl.
3. Bright skin along day.  

4. Make skin moist. 
5. Keep the brightness of skin


Light Beige
Natural Beige
Honey Beige
Sand Beige


IDR 145,000

Buy here.

Beauty Bloggers in Indonesia or aboard, a lot of them gave a lot of good review of this BB Cream.

The texture is like this :


Really soft and creamy. A bot watery but it's play. Only put a little bit and it's covering my face completely. The one the I put to my hand above was too MUCH. That time I was confused making them back to the sachet. Hihihi.....

Maybe if I purchase the full size it will really saving. This sachet is only 1ml, But it's enough for 5 days for me. Kkkk

Let's see the before and after applying.

See my bare face :

With the BB Cream :

Well, It's kinda hard to loos for a good lightning. And the both photos above got the best light T.T.

But you can still see the different right.... my face below looks more like an actress *Punch me XD


And Until afternoon, this BB cream still in my face well. Looks glowy. Love it.


1. Making face looks glowy
2. Make a super star aura for me. Hahayyyy
3. Didn't smudge easily
4. SPF is high enough
5. Saving well



Will I purchase full size? The answer is YES :D

But I will wait for my current BB Cream to be done first. And I also wait for my money to fall from the sky. Kkkk.... I mean let's wait for my money to come. Aamiin.

Rating : 5/5

Below is my others that were also using this BB Cream. The condition is already afternoon almost evening. After going home from Office.

Well, That's all my review for now, Guys. Let's see again in my other chance. Kkk.... Good night..........

Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

[Review] Etude House BAKING POWDER Pore Cleansing Foam 170ml

Alright guys, malam ini saya kembali bersama Etude House. Kali ini mari me-Review Etude House BAKING POWDER Pore Cleansing Foam.

Dulu saat pertama kali tahu nama dari facial foam ini, saya ketawa ngakak. Kok Baking Powder sih? Mau bikin roti kali ya? XD

Nyatanya saya akhirnya beli. Mungkin bisa dibilang karma, dari menertawai sampai membeli. Hehehe.....

Sesuai namanya, facial foam ini mengandung Baking Powder di dalamnya.


Terdapat Alumunium Foil yang melindungi isinya sampai ke tangan kita^^

Berikut adalah kenampakan foam-nya. Agak padat dan sedikit ngoyo saat dipencet dari tube-nya. Kesannya kaya kental sekali. Tapi setelah di-blend sangat lembut.

Saya lupa untuk memotret bagian belakangnya. Dan semua foto sudah terlanjur saya beri watermark. Saya terlalu malas untuk mengambil foto lagi dan memasukkan kabel data lagi. Untuk itu saya tak melakukannya. Tapi tenang, saya akan tulis di sini.

Jadi di bagian belakang kemasan, terdapat Claims, Cara Pemakaian, Peringatan dan juga Komposisi yang ditulis menggunakan Hangeul dan English. 


Diformulasi dengan Baking Powder dan untuk pengelupasan kulit mati secara lembut dan membersihkan pori-pori untuk membersihkan menyeluruh.


Basahi wajah, tuang sedikit foam ke tangan. Aplikasikan foam ke wajah. Pijat dengan lembut di seluruh area wajah. Bilas seluruhnya dengan air hangat [Saya mah pakai air dingin ;) ]


Untuk pemakaian luar saja. Hindari kontak dengan mata. Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak. Hentikan pemakaian bila terjadi iritasi.


Glycerin, water, stearic acid, potassium hydroxide, myristic acid, cocamidopropyl Betaine, sodium benzoate, PEG-32, microcrystalline cellulose, lauric acid, glyceryl stearate, stearic acid PEG-100 and tea DEA, PEG-7 cocoate, orange peel oil, lemon peel oil, hydrogen carbonate Na and EDTA-Na 2  


Saya mulai memakai Foam ini semenjak tanggal 19 April 2014. Setelah saya stress karena Jerawat yang datang dan pergi secara terus menerus dan saya tergiur dengan penawaran salah satu produk Etude House ini.

Di bawah adalah penampakan saya sebelum pemakaian :

tanpa edit kecuali watermark

Hihi,... jerawatan masih narsis aja yah....

Akhirnya saya coba deh. Sebelumnya mari melihat gambar berikut ini terlebih dahulu. 

1 : Sebelum, 2: Tekstur, 3 : Setelah Di-blend, 4 : Sesudah
[Silakan Di klik untuk ukuran FULL]

Jujur saya sangat terkesan dengan wanginya saat saya memijatnya dengan lembut ke wajah. Hmh.... wangi Jeruk Nipis yang menyenangkan sekali menurut saya. Wanginya kuat tapi menyenangkan^^ Dan saya lebih terkesan lagi dengan foam-nya yang lembut dan tidak membuat iritasi. Nyaman deh pokoknya. Setelah dibilas pun rasanya lembab banget, nggak kering.

Dan ini kenampakan saya tanggal 27 April 2014 :

tanpa edit kecuali watermark

Terlihat bedanya. Terlihat lebih bersih dan kenyal. Dan yang pasti jerawat saya sudah mati dan alhamdulillah tidak tumbuh lagi. Hanya tinggal menunggu bekasnya untuk hilang. Tapi udah tipis banget kan bekasnya ;)

Over all saya suka banget sama foam ini. 


1. Lembut dan nyaman dipakai
2. Terasa lembab dan tidak kering setelah pemakaian
3. Tidak membuat iritasi, tidak menimbulkan jerawat
4. Membersihkan secara maksimal [Sesuai CLAIM-nya, tapi ini Optional]
5. Wanginya saya suka
6. Isi sangat banyak 170ml
7. Harga bersahabat


1. Tidak ada

HARGA : Rp 95,000. Beli di sini. Atau di sini.


Baiklah, sekian dulu review saya kali ini. Semoga bisa membantu teman-teman yang akan membeli produk ini. Dan saya baru sadar bahwa post ini adalah post pertama saya di bulan MEI. Yayyy....

Sebelumnya saya eksis dulu ya^^

 hihihi,... ini foto tadi pagi [140430] sebelum berangkat kerja.

Dan masih ada foto satu lagi. BONUS. [Bonus yang tak diharapkan XD]

Tadi siang [140430] saat saya kebosanan di tempat kerja :(


Alright guys, tonight I'm back with Etude House. This time I will review Etude House BAKING POWDER Pore Cleansing Foam.

At the first time I heard about this name, I laughed out loud. Baking Powder? Are you making a cake? XD

In fact I purchased it in the end. Maybe caused of Karma. From laugh it to purchase it. Hehehe....

As it name, this facial foam contains Baking Powder ini it.


There was an Alumunium Foil that keep the contains until it reached us^^

Bellow is the look of the foam. It's a bit solid and we have to put a bit strenght to push it out from the tube. It's like so thick. But after blending it's so soft.

I forgot to take pictures from the back. All the photos are watermarked. And I was too lazy to take photos again and put in the file cable. Yeah I didn't do that. But calm down, I will write it here.

So in the back of the tube, there are Claims, Direction to use, Caution and Ingredients that were written with Hangeul and English.


Formulated with baking powder and to gently exfoliate skin and penetrate pores for a thorough cleanse.


Wet face and dispense small amount onto hands.  Lather and apply foam to face, gently massaging entire area.  Wash and rinse thoroughly with warm water.


For external use only.  Avoid contact with eyes.  Keep out of reach of children.  Discontinue use if signs of irritation and/or rash appear.


Glycerin, water, stearic acid, potassium hydroxide, myristic acid, cocamidopropyl Betaine, sodium benzoate, PEG-32, microcrystalline cellulose, lauric acid, glyceryl stearate, stearic acid PEG-100 and tea DEA, PEG-7 cocoate, orange peel oil, lemon peel oil, hydrogen carbonate Na and EDTA-Na 2  


I started to used this foam in April 19 2014. I got stressed from some breakouts in my face that always appears and gone and appears again. And I sold by the claims of this one of Etude House products.

Below is me before usage of it.

without edit except watermark

Hihi,... I have breakouts but still took pictures that confident....

Finally I tried this. Before we go along let's see this pictures first.

1 : Before, 2: Texture, 3 : After blending, 4 :After
[Click for FULL view]

Honestly I really amaze with the scent when I massage it gently to my face. Hmh.... It's Lime that really relaxe me. The scent is strong but it's relaxing^^ And I got amaze more with the super soft foam and it didn't irritated me. It's really comfortable. After rising my face feel moistfull and not dried.

And this is me in April 27 2014 :

without edit except watermark

Looks different. Looks more supple and clean. And of course my breakouts are died and alhamdulillah it didn't come back. I just have to wait the mark to gone. Just a bit more. But it's already so thin ;)

Over all I really like this foam.


1. Soft and comfortable to use.
2. Feel moist and not dry after using.
3. Not irritate skin and didn't breakouts.
4. Clean the face maximally [As it CLAIMS, but this is optional]
5. Likes the scent.
6. The contains is big 170ml
7. The price is friendly.


1. Nothing

PRICE : IDR 95,000. Buy it right here. Or right here.

WILL I RE-PURCHASE? The answer is YES.

Okay, that all my review tonight. Hope it will helpfull for those who will buy this product. And I just realize that this post is my first post for MAY. Yay....

Before this finish, I will selfie first^^

 hihihi,... this is me this morning [140430] before going to work.

And still there is a one more. BONUS. [An unhoped BONUS XD]

This is me this afternoon [140430] when I was boring in my work place :(