Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

[Review] Etude House BAKING POWDER Pore Cleansing Foam 170ml

Alright guys, malam ini saya kembali bersama Etude House. Kali ini mari me-Review Etude House BAKING POWDER Pore Cleansing Foam.

Dulu saat pertama kali tahu nama dari facial foam ini, saya ketawa ngakak. Kok Baking Powder sih? Mau bikin roti kali ya? XD

Nyatanya saya akhirnya beli. Mungkin bisa dibilang karma, dari menertawai sampai membeli. Hehehe.....

Sesuai namanya, facial foam ini mengandung Baking Powder di dalamnya.


Terdapat Alumunium Foil yang melindungi isinya sampai ke tangan kita^^

Berikut adalah kenampakan foam-nya. Agak padat dan sedikit ngoyo saat dipencet dari tube-nya. Kesannya kaya kental sekali. Tapi setelah di-blend sangat lembut.

Saya lupa untuk memotret bagian belakangnya. Dan semua foto sudah terlanjur saya beri watermark. Saya terlalu malas untuk mengambil foto lagi dan memasukkan kabel data lagi. Untuk itu saya tak melakukannya. Tapi tenang, saya akan tulis di sini.

Jadi di bagian belakang kemasan, terdapat Claims, Cara Pemakaian, Peringatan dan juga Komposisi yang ditulis menggunakan Hangeul dan English. 


Diformulasi dengan Baking Powder dan untuk pengelupasan kulit mati secara lembut dan membersihkan pori-pori untuk membersihkan menyeluruh.


Basahi wajah, tuang sedikit foam ke tangan. Aplikasikan foam ke wajah. Pijat dengan lembut di seluruh area wajah. Bilas seluruhnya dengan air hangat [Saya mah pakai air dingin ;) ]


Untuk pemakaian luar saja. Hindari kontak dengan mata. Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak. Hentikan pemakaian bila terjadi iritasi.


Glycerin, water, stearic acid, potassium hydroxide, myristic acid, cocamidopropyl Betaine, sodium benzoate, PEG-32, microcrystalline cellulose, lauric acid, glyceryl stearate, stearic acid PEG-100 and tea DEA, PEG-7 cocoate, orange peel oil, lemon peel oil, hydrogen carbonate Na and EDTA-Na 2  


Saya mulai memakai Foam ini semenjak tanggal 19 April 2014. Setelah saya stress karena Jerawat yang datang dan pergi secara terus menerus dan saya tergiur dengan penawaran salah satu produk Etude House ini.

Di bawah adalah penampakan saya sebelum pemakaian :

tanpa edit kecuali watermark

Hihi,... jerawatan masih narsis aja yah....

Akhirnya saya coba deh. Sebelumnya mari melihat gambar berikut ini terlebih dahulu. 

1 : Sebelum, 2: Tekstur, 3 : Setelah Di-blend, 4 : Sesudah
[Silakan Di klik untuk ukuran FULL]

Jujur saya sangat terkesan dengan wanginya saat saya memijatnya dengan lembut ke wajah. Hmh.... wangi Jeruk Nipis yang menyenangkan sekali menurut saya. Wanginya kuat tapi menyenangkan^^ Dan saya lebih terkesan lagi dengan foam-nya yang lembut dan tidak membuat iritasi. Nyaman deh pokoknya. Setelah dibilas pun rasanya lembab banget, nggak kering.

Dan ini kenampakan saya tanggal 27 April 2014 :

tanpa edit kecuali watermark

Terlihat bedanya. Terlihat lebih bersih dan kenyal. Dan yang pasti jerawat saya sudah mati dan alhamdulillah tidak tumbuh lagi. Hanya tinggal menunggu bekasnya untuk hilang. Tapi udah tipis banget kan bekasnya ;)

Over all saya suka banget sama foam ini. 


1. Lembut dan nyaman dipakai
2. Terasa lembab dan tidak kering setelah pemakaian
3. Tidak membuat iritasi, tidak menimbulkan jerawat
4. Membersihkan secara maksimal [Sesuai CLAIM-nya, tapi ini Optional]
5. Wanginya saya suka
6. Isi sangat banyak 170ml
7. Harga bersahabat


1. Tidak ada

HARGA : Rp 95,000. Beli di sini. Atau di sini.


Baiklah, sekian dulu review saya kali ini. Semoga bisa membantu teman-teman yang akan membeli produk ini. Dan saya baru sadar bahwa post ini adalah post pertama saya di bulan MEI. Yayyy....

Sebelumnya saya eksis dulu ya^^

 hihihi,... ini foto tadi pagi [140430] sebelum berangkat kerja.

Dan masih ada foto satu lagi. BONUS. [Bonus yang tak diharapkan XD]

Tadi siang [140430] saat saya kebosanan di tempat kerja :(


Alright guys, tonight I'm back with Etude House. This time I will review Etude House BAKING POWDER Pore Cleansing Foam.

At the first time I heard about this name, I laughed out loud. Baking Powder? Are you making a cake? XD

In fact I purchased it in the end. Maybe caused of Karma. From laugh it to purchase it. Hehehe....

As it name, this facial foam contains Baking Powder ini it.


There was an Alumunium Foil that keep the contains until it reached us^^

Bellow is the look of the foam. It's a bit solid and we have to put a bit strenght to push it out from the tube. It's like so thick. But after blending it's so soft.

I forgot to take pictures from the back. All the photos are watermarked. And I was too lazy to take photos again and put in the file cable. Yeah I didn't do that. But calm down, I will write it here.

So in the back of the tube, there are Claims, Direction to use, Caution and Ingredients that were written with Hangeul and English.


Formulated with baking powder and to gently exfoliate skin and penetrate pores for a thorough cleanse.


Wet face and dispense small amount onto hands.  Lather and apply foam to face, gently massaging entire area.  Wash and rinse thoroughly with warm water.


For external use only.  Avoid contact with eyes.  Keep out of reach of children.  Discontinue use if signs of irritation and/or rash appear.


Glycerin, water, stearic acid, potassium hydroxide, myristic acid, cocamidopropyl Betaine, sodium benzoate, PEG-32, microcrystalline cellulose, lauric acid, glyceryl stearate, stearic acid PEG-100 and tea DEA, PEG-7 cocoate, orange peel oil, lemon peel oil, hydrogen carbonate Na and EDTA-Na 2  


I started to used this foam in April 19 2014. I got stressed from some breakouts in my face that always appears and gone and appears again. And I sold by the claims of this one of Etude House products.

Below is me before usage of it.

without edit except watermark

Hihi,... I have breakouts but still took pictures that confident....

Finally I tried this. Before we go along let's see this pictures first.

1 : Before, 2: Texture, 3 : After blending, 4 :After
[Click for FULL view]

Honestly I really amaze with the scent when I massage it gently to my face. Hmh.... It's Lime that really relaxe me. The scent is strong but it's relaxing^^ And I got amaze more with the super soft foam and it didn't irritated me. It's really comfortable. After rising my face feel moistfull and not dried.

And this is me in April 27 2014 :

without edit except watermark

Looks different. Looks more supple and clean. And of course my breakouts are died and alhamdulillah it didn't come back. I just have to wait the mark to gone. Just a bit more. But it's already so thin ;)

Over all I really like this foam.


1. Soft and comfortable to use.
2. Feel moist and not dry after using.
3. Not irritate skin and didn't breakouts.
4. Clean the face maximally [As it CLAIMS, but this is optional]
5. Likes the scent.
6. The contains is big 170ml
7. The price is friendly.


1. Nothing

PRICE : IDR 95,000. Buy it right here. Or right here.

WILL I RE-PURCHASE? The answer is YES.

Okay, that all my review tonight. Hope it will helpfull for those who will buy this product. And I just realize that this post is my first post for MAY. Yay....

Before this finish, I will selfie first^^

 hihihi,... this is me this morning [140430] before going to work.

And still there is a one more. BONUS. [An unhoped BONUS XD]

This is me this afternoon [140430] when I was boring in my work place :(

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