ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow #6 [Black]
the pencil
Cara pakainya hanya tinggal diputar layaknya memakai lipstick. Nggak usah repot-repot diraut. XD
Oia, pada bagian bawah brow liner ini ada brush-nya juga. Buat ngerapihin alis saya yang gondrong. Maklum lah, saya kan taat sama Nabi Muhammad, nggak boleh cukur alis kan. Kkkk....
the brush
Nyatanya pensil alis ini nggak gampang luntur. Saya pakai pagi hari, sampai malam sebelum bersihin make up, warnanya masih awet.
Pagi hari :
Siang hari setelah sholat dhuhur, nggak luntur dipakai wudhu :
Malam hari sekitar jam 7.30 pm :
1. Murah tapi nggak murahan
2. Warna tahan lama
3. Warnanya natural, nggak terlalu heboh. Favorite saya^^
4. Cara pakai gampang.
Tidak ada.
Dilihat dari hasilnya, harga pensil alis ini nggak terlalu mahal. Hanya Rp 35,000 saja. Kalau mau bisa beli di online shop saya di sini. It's original, made in Korea. Barangnya ready stock dan terdapat warna abu-abu gelap, coklat gelap, abu-abu coklat dan hitam.
Rating : 5/5
Well, sampai di sini dulu review saya kali ini, terima kasih sudah hadir. ;)
ETUDE HOUSE Drawing Eye Brow #6 [Black]
the pencil
How to use is really easy, round it like you apply your lipstick. We don't have to sharpen it to, right? XD
in the bottom of the brow liner, there is a brush. It uses for make our eye brow neat. Mine is so thick and long. I really depend t my Nabi Muhammad who hates us to shave our eye brow. Kkk....
the brush
In fact this brow liner didn't smudge easily. I applied it in the morning, until night before I clean up my make up, it's still there.
In the morning :
Afternoon after doing my Sholat Dhuhur, it's not smudge even I wash my face for wudhu :
In the night in about 7.30 pm :
1. It's cheap but high qualit
2. The color is long last
3. The color is natural, not too much. My favorite^^
4. How to use it is too easy
Look how the result, the price isn't expensive at all. It's only IDR 35,000. If you want, you can order o my online shop here. It's original made in Korea. It's ready stock and I have the color dark grey, dark brown, gry brown and black.
Rating : 5/5
Well, It's over here my review today, than's for coming. ;)
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