Senin, 28 April 2014

[Review] ETUDE HOUSE Moistfull Collagen Cream [Sample]

Hi, guys. Cukup lama sejak postingan terakhir saya. Hehe...

Pada postingan kali ini, saya mau bahas tentang Etude House Moistfull Collagen Cream. Salah satu bagian dari Collagen series milik Etude House. Dan saya dengar di Korea sana ini termasuk best seller. Terjual satu item tiap 9 detiknya. Hmh.... Cukup bikin bilang WOW.

So, Let's see how it works!

Well, ini cuma sample.


Krim yang melembabkan dan mengencangkan membuat kulit tampak lebih sehat, halus dan kencang. Kulit tampak lebih kencang.  


30% Konsentrat Baobab Tree + Kolagen untuk melembabkan dan mengencangkan kulit.

How it works?

Baobab Tree dan Kolagen memperbaiki struktur kulit kemampuan mempertahankan kelembaban.

Cara pakai 

Aplikasikan setelah First Essence dan Toner, tentunya setelah kamu cuci muka terlebih dahulu


Pertama saya pakai sample ini tanggal 17 April 2014. Cream dalam dua sachets sample ini, cukup saya pakai selama 6 hari. Hehe.. saya terlalu hemat? Nggak kok! Saya cuma pakai di malam hari sebelum tidur^^

Ini kenampakan saya tepat sebelum dan sesudah mengaplikasikan krim ini. Saya mengambil gambar ini sudah malam dan tanpa flash. Tanpa di edit juga, apa adanya :

kiri : sebelum, kanan : sesudah

Bisa dilihat di sana bahwa saya sedang jerawatan, terdapat beberapa jerawat yang masih hidup alias belum matang [bahasa apa ini XD]. Seperti tak ada perbedaan antara gambar kiri dan kanan. Padahal saya sudah mengaplikasikan krim di bagian kanan. Bukti bahwa krim ini cepat meresap!

Well, mari lihat tekstur-nya terlebih dahulu :

Sangat creamy dan lembut. Hampir mirip seperti gel, tapi ini cream. 

Saat diaplikasikan ke wajah, wanginya sangat menenangkan. Seperti gabungan dari buah-buahan dan bunga. Menyenangkan.

Cream-nya pun lembut dan nyaman saat dipakai. Hasilnya bisa dilihat bahkan di pagi hari setelah pemakaian. Jerawat-jerawat saya mulai mati alias kering. Bukti bahwa krim ini memperbaiki kulit. Maaf saya tak sempat memfoto T.T

Dan ini hasilnya. Kenampakan saya 6 hari setelah pemakaian. Tepatnya tanggal 22 April 2014 :

without any edit

Kulit saya terlihat lebih baik. Bahkan bekas jerawat juga tersamarkan. Jujur saja saya langsung jatuh cinta sama krim ini. Saya sudah order size besarnya versi Enriched Cream, Tinggal menunggu datangnya saja. Hmh... saya sebal karena sampai sekarang krim itu belum datang, padahal sudah sekitar seminggu saya kembali memakai krim malam lama saya dan saya mulai jerawatan lagi T.T

Oh My Cream, cepat datang ne!? XD

Well, kembali fokus pada Moistfull Collagen Cream ini. Berikut apa yang saya suka, dan tidak suka mengenai krim ini.


1. Manfaatnya jelas terlihat [promosi tidak bohong].
2. Creamy dan lembut
3. Nyaman dipakai
4. Wanginya natural, menyenangkan dan menenangkan
5. Tidak menimbulkan jerawat


1. There's NO!

Berapa sih harganya? Well, biasanya krim ini di-SET dengan first essence-nya. Seller biasa jual dengan harga antara Rp 185,000 - Rp 200,000. Harga yang tak terlalu mahal untuk dua item sekaligus. Cream-nya ukuran 60ml, dan First Essence-nya 20ml.

Sementara yang saya order dan tunggu kedatangannya saat ini adalah versi Enriched Cream-nya. Saya beli yang special SET dengan 3 item di dalamnya. Terdiri dari Enriched Cream 60ml dan First Essence 20ml. Seller biasa jual dengan harga antara Rp 240,000 - 280,000. Memang lebih mahal daripada Cream-nya. Dikarenakan versi Enriched cream ini lebih kaya akan kolagen. Begitu.

Beli Etude House Moistfull Collagen Cream Special Set di OLSHOP saya : Rp 185,000

Beli Etude House Moistfull Collagen Enriched Cream Special di OLSHOP saya : Rp 260,000

Rating : 5/5

Apakah saya akan beli full size? Saya sudah membeli ukuran 60ml untuk versi ENRICHED Cream-nya [Special Set]^^

Well, sekian review dari saya, semoga bermanfaat untuk para reader sekalian ;)

this photo taken April 17 2014 before using the cream and I was still with my beloved make up :)


Hi, guys. It's quiet a long time after my latest post. Hehe....

In this time, I will review about Etude House Moistfull Collagen Cream. One part of Collagen Series by Etude House. I heard that in Korea this Collagen series are included to be best seller. It's sold one item per 9 seconds. Hmh.... It enough to get me say WOW.

So, Let's see how it works!

Well, this is just samples.


A cream that moisturizing and firming. Make our skin be healthier, soft and firmer.


30% Concentration of Baobab Tree + Collagen to moisturize and firm our skin. 

How it works?

Baobab Tree and collagen repair the skin's structure and make it always moist. 

How to use?

Apply it to your face after First Essence and toner, of course make sure that you wash your face first. 


First I used this is at April 17 2014. The cream in 2 sachets of sample are enough for 6 days of usage. Hehe... am I to saving? Oh No! Since I only use this before sleeping^^

This me before and after appicate this cream for the very first time. I took this pictures in the middle of the night without flash. Without editing also, just the way they are :

left : before, right : after

You can see that there are some breakouts on my face, those acnes are still alive. It's like nothing different from those both pics. Whereas I already put the cream on the right pic. A prove that this cream absorb quickly!

Well, let's see the texture :

It's really creamy and soft. Almost alike a gel, but this is cream.

When I applied it to my face, the sense was really calming. It's alike a blend of fruits and flowers. Make me happy.

The cream is also so soft and comfortable. The result can be seen right in the morning after waking up. My acnes died and dried. A prove that this cream repair our skin. Sorry that I didn't get the chance to take pictures T.T

And this is the results. This is me 6 days after usage. The right time is April 22 2014 :

without any edit

My skin looks finer. Even the acne marks also almost gone. I already order this bigger size of this cream, but it's Enriched Cream version, I just wait when will it come. Hmh.... I quiet annoyed  that it didn't come yet. In this about a week I was back using my previous night cream and my face starts to breakout again T.T

Oh My Cream, Ppali come to me!? XD

Well, back to this Moistfull Collagen Cream. Below are my LIKES and DISLIKES about this cream :


1. The benefit of it already I felt [The promotion isn't lie]
2. Creamyand soft
3. Comfortable
4. The sense is so natural, calming and make me happy
5. Doesnt breakouts


1. There's NO!

Berapa sih harganya? Well, usually this cream sold in a SET with the first essence. Sellers usually sell it amount IDR 185,000 - IDR 200,000. It's not too expensive for 2 items in a price. The cream is 60ml and the first essence is 20ml. 

And the one that I ordered and also wait for the coming is the Enriched Cream version. I bought the special SET with 3 items in it. They are Moistfull Enrinched Cream 60ml & First Essence 20ml. Seller usually sell it in amount IDR 240,000 - IDR 280,000. Yeah it's more expensive than the cream cause it contains bigger collagen. 

Buy Etude House Moistfull Collagen Cream Special Set in my OLSHOP : IDR 185,000

Buy Etude House Moistfull Collagen Enriched Cream Special in my OLSHOP  : IDR 260,000

Rating : 5/5

Will I buy full size? I already bought the size 50ml of the Enriched Cream version [Special Set]^^ 
Well, that's all my review today, I hope it'll be helpfull ;)

this photo taken April 17 2014 before using the cream and I was still with my beloved make up :)

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