Langsung saja, saya akan me-review [Review] ORIFLAME Pure Skin Blackhead Clearing Mask
ORIFLAME Pure Skin Blackhead Clearing Mask purifies and tightens pores, and controls shine.
Masker ini kurang optimal memberi saya kepuasan. Kkk.... padahal effect dinginnya [mint] saat maskeran itu kerasa banget, saya pikir effect-nya juga se-ekstrim sensasinya. Tapi ini ngefek ke saya-nya lho ya. Kurang tahu kalau buat orang lain.
Masker ini mengandung Salicylic Acid senyawa yang memang biasa terdapat dalam produk-produk penghilang jerawat atau pembersih pori-pori seperti ini.
Oia, masker ini untuk usia 15 tahun ke atas.
Tekstur-nya mirip odol. Sensasinya juga mirip odol XD
Cara pakainya adalah dengan mengaplikasikan secara tipis ke wajah. Tunggu 5 menit, bilas dengan air hangat. Masker ini cukup dipakai 1-2 kali seminggu.
Tapi overall semuanya bagus ya. Termasuk packaging-nya yang simple tapi aman. Maksudnya, tutup botolnya rapat. Jadi nggak gampang tumpah. Body-nya juga nggak terlalu besar, cocok buat bepergian. Apalagi warnanya biru gitu XD [Dasar Biru Maniac]
1. Memberi effect bersih dan segar pada wajah.
2. Cepat kering
3. Kemasan bagus
1. Kurang terlalu ngefek pada komedo saya di hidung T.T
Harganya saya kurang tahu. This was a gift^^
Rating : 3/5
Apa saya akan beli setelah ini habis? Jawabannya, TIDAK.
Well, sekian review saya kali ini. Selamat hari senin! Selamat memulai aktivitas! Fighting~
Okay, let's jump to the ponit. I will review ORIFLAME Pure Skin Blackhead Clearing Mask.
ORIFLAME Pure Skin Blackhead Clearing Mask purifies and tightens pores, and controls shine.
This mask wasn't clearing me up maximally. Kkk.... the cool effect [menthol] when masking is so strong, I thought the effect would be as strong as the sensation. But it's for me personally. I didn't know how is it for other person.
This mask contains Salicylic Acid a thing that always there in any acne product and any pore cleansing products like this
Oh yeah, this mask is for up to 15 years old age..
The texture is really similar to tooth paste. The sensation is also alike XD.
We can apply it thinly to our face. Wait for 5 minutes, rinse it with warm water. We can use it 1-2 time per week
But overall everythings good. Including thepackaging that is simple and save. I mean, the tube caps is tight. So it won't spill everywhere. It's also not too big, suitable for travelling. And the more I like, it's blue XD [Aih, this blue maniac]
1. Give clean and fresh sensation to our face.
2. Dried quickly
3. The packaging is good
1. It's not effect maximally to my bleackhead on my nose T.T
I didn't know about the price. This was a gift^^
Rating : 3/5
Will I purchased this later? The answer is, NO.
Well, that's all my review this time. Happy Monday, Everyone! Happy starting you activities! Fighting~
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