Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

140306 [Review] Kimia Farma : Bedak MARCKS' [Beauty Powder] Rose 40g

Saya sudah pakai bedak Marcks' ini sejak zaman SD. Tapi memasuki masa puber, saya demen banget coba-coba bedak lain. Termasuk bedak padat. Bahkan saya pernah memutuskan untuk nggak pernah bedakan [nggak pernah dandan, nggak pernah perawatan] selama hampir dua tahun. Hehehe.... Hmh... tapi lama-lama saya frustasi. Muka saya kok kaya nggak banget ya. Temen-temen saya pada cakep, kok saya gini amat.

Akhirnya saya mulai merawat diri lagi. Sempet mikir keras kira-kira saya harus mengawali dengan pakai bedak apa. Soalnya waktu itu muka saya parah kondisinya. Jerawatan, bruntusan, berminyak pula. Sampe mau nangis.

Sampe akhirnya waktu ngobrol-ngobrol sama para sepupu, kita ngomongin tentang skincare dan make-up. Dia dulu lulusan dokter kulit gara-gara masalah jerawat melimpah. Dia ngasih wejangan ke saya, yang merupakan hasil copy dari wejangan yang ia dapat dari Bu Dokter dulu. Dia merekomendasikan saya untuk pakai bedak Marcks'. Pikiran saya langsung melambung ke masa SD.

"Eh,... bedak itu? Emang masih ada?" Kira-kira begitulah celetukan saya XD

Tapi akhirnya saya cari juga. Saya baru tahu kalau sekarang sudah ada varian warna, setahu saya waktu SD cuman adana creme ajah. Akhirnya saya nyomot satu yang Rose.

[I used Marcks' since I was in Elementary School. But when I became a teenager, I try to use another powders. Including solid powder. Even I ever decided to never use any powder [nor skincare, nor another make up] for almost 2 years. Hehehe.... Hmh... But after a few time I was frustation. Why? Because I feel so ugly compare to my friends. They're beautiful.... but why me.......?!

Finally I decided to care more about my self. I think hard how to start this. What powder I had to choose? Because that time my face in a terrible condition. Acnes, pores, and also oily. I wanted to cry loud that time.

Finally, a day when I had a talk with my cousin, we talked about skincare and make up. She's a graduate of skin doctor cause of acne problem. She told me, a told that was a copy from her doctor's talking to her. She recommended me to use Marcks' Beauty Powder. My thought went to the past, when I was an elementary school student.

"Eh.... that powder? It's still extant?" Yeah, my comment it's about like that XDDD

But I tried to look for it. I just knew that Marcks' had a lot of variations then. I knew when I was young it's only creme shade. And I decided to buy the Rose one.]

 tampak luar [outer look]

bagian bawah [lower look]

 the pinky powder

 Kkkk.... saya lumayan kaget waktu beli dulu harganya kurang lebih IDR 10,000. Padahal dulu waktu SD cuman IDR 2,000. Wkwkwkwk.... Sejauh ini [semenjak saya pakai Marcks' lagi] harganya selalu naik setiap saya beli. Hingga terakhir seharga IDR 12,000. Tapi nggak apa-apalah. Kapan dan di mana lagi dapet bedak bagus, berkualitas, dan isi banyak cuma dengan harga 12,000. XDD

Tapi emang bener kok. Oil control-nya bagus banget. Saya jujur. Kkk....

Dan saya nggak bakal ganti bedak. Biarlah saya pake bedak ini terus sampe tua. Saya kapok pake bedak padat. Nggak lagi-lagi deh. XD

Oia,... pake loose powder ini agak terlalu putiiiihhhhh sekali. Jadi kalau di rumah aja, saya nggak pernah pakai bedak. Hehe. Ini kenampakan saya saat sebelum dan sesudah pakai :

[I kinda shocked when I purchased it. The price was a lot of more expensive [but it's not as expensive as you thought, kkk]. It's about  IDR 10,000. When I was young it's only about IDR 2,000. Wkwkwkwkwk.... So far [since I decided to use Marcks' again] the price always go up. Until the latest time I purchased it, it cost about IDR 12,000. But that's okay. When will I find agaian a good powder, high quality powder, with super much contains [40g] only with IDR 12,000. XDD

But it's true that this powder is high quality. The oil control is really good. I am honest. Kkk....

And I won't change to another powder. Just let me use this powder until I get old [forever]. I give up wearing solid powder. No more. XD

O yea, Using this loose powder is too white to the face actually. So when I stay at home, I won't wear it. Hehe. This is my look before and after apply it to my face] :

before - after
Tuh kan, saya jadi mirip hantu,... hihihi [so this is it, I look alike a ghost,... hihihihi]

Tapi jangan khawatir. Setelah kita pakai make up lengkap, nanti warna putihnya akan terimbangi. Dan saya emang sengaja nggak pakai bedak di leher. Kenapa? Karena saya kalau kerja pakai hijab, makanya cuma fokus ke muka^^

[But don't worry. After applying a complete make up set, the white color neutralized by it. And I purposely do not wear powder on my neck. Why? Because I wear hijab for work, so I just focus to my face^^

 see? looks good right? kkk....

Kelebihan Kimia Farma : Bedak MARCKS' [Beauty Powder] :
1. Aman dipakai untuk wajah
2. Oil control yang bagus
3. Tidak menyumbat pori-pori
4. Sesuai untuk kulit berjerawat dan sensitif
5. Rekomendasi para dokter kulit

Kekurangan Kimia Farma : Bedak MARCKS' [Beauty Powder] :
1. Karena ini loose powder, bedaknya selalu terbang-terbang ke mana-mana saat dipakai
2. Terlalu putih sesaat setelah dipakai

Apakah saya akan beli lagi? Jawabannya IYA. Saya akan pakai bedak ini terus^^

Oia, ini ada satu lagi photo bonus. Saya ambil satu jam yang lalu setelah selesai nge-les-i. Masih kelihtan manis dan nggak minyakan kan? Kkkk.... *plakkkk

[Advantages of this Kimia Farma : Bedak MARCKS' [Beauty Powder] :
1. Save to use to face
2. Really good oil control
3. does not clog pores
4. suitable for acne and sensitive face
5. Recommended by skin doctors

Disadvantages of this Kimia Farma : Bedak MARCKS' [Beauty Powder] :
1. Because this is loose powder, the powder always fly everytime I open the package
2. Too white after wearing

Will I repurchase thi? The answer is YES. I will purchase this powder again and again and again^^

O yea, I have a bonus photo. I took it about an hour ago after I finished teach my students. I still look sweet without oily face right? Kkkk.... *plakkkk]

2 komentar:

  1. nice review sis! aku juga baru habis yang rose.. sekarang mau beralih ke marcks yang natural beige ^^

  2. Benerin bahasa inggrisnya sis:)


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