Kalau tanya kenapa pilih Citra? Seperti biasa saya akan jawab dengan mantap, "Pertama tentu saja karena harganya terjangkau!" Hahahaha....
[My first Review this month. I will review my current facial foam and moisturizer. CITRA Hazeline Spotless White Glow Facial Foam & Moisturizer.
If you ask me why I choose this? It's like my common answer, I will surely reply, "First is because the price is really minimum!" Hahahahaha.............]
CITRA Hazeline Spotless White Glow UV Facial Foam & Moisturizer
tampak depan [from the front side]
tampak belakang [from the back side]
Saya membeli Facial foamnya dengan harga Rp 17,500 dari harga asli Rp 19,500. Sedangkan pelembabnya Rp 19,500 dari harga asli Rp 21,500. Kkk... saya demen banget discount kan? XD . Btw, saya beli facial foam-nya 2 minggu lebih dulu daripada pelembabnya.
CITRA Hazeline Spotless White Glow UV Facial Foam & Moisturizer ini mengandung Beras Jepang dan juga Teh hijau di dalamnya. Seperti yang kita tahu, beras amat membantu dalam memutihkan kulit dan juga menyamarkan bekas jerawat. Dan Teh Hijau mengandung antioksidan agar kita selalu awet muda.^^
[I Purchased the facial foam with the price Rp 17,500 from the real price is Rp 19,500. And the moisturizer is Rp 19,500 from the real price is Rp 21,500. Kkkk.... I really love discount! XD. By the way, I purchased the facial foam 2 weeks sooner than the moisturizer.
CITRA Hazeline Spotless White Glow UV Facial Foam & Moisturizer contain Japanese Rice and green tea. As we know, rice is really helping for whitening and disguising acne scars. And green tea contains antioxidant to make us always stay young.^^]
Well, saya akan me-review dari facial foam-nya dulu. Teksturnya seperti ini :
[Well, I will review the facial foam first. The texture is like this] :
[Well, I will review the facial foam first. The texture is like this] :
the look of the foam before and after blending.
Terdapat butiran-butiran halus seperti scrub dalam foam-nya. Tapi sepertinya itu bukan scrub karena judulnya saja adalah facial foam :)
[There are soft granules like scrubs in the foam. But I think that's not cause the tittle of this is facial foam :)]
[There are soft granules like scrubs in the foam. But I think that's not cause the tittle of this is facial foam :)]
Ini kenampakan saya sebelum dan sesudah mencuci muka :
[This is my face before and after washing] :
[This is my face before and after washing] :
How??? XD
Sekarang langsung lompat ke pelembabnya. Kemasannya seperti ini :
[Now let's jump to the moisturizer. The packaging is like this] :
[Now let's jump to the moisturizer. The packaging is like this] :
Tekstur-nya sangat lembut dan cocok untuk kulit berminyak.
[The texture is really soft and really suitable for oily skin.]
[The texture is really soft and really suitable for oily skin.]
Before after pemakaian :
[Before and after applying] :
[Before and after applying] :
Sejauh ini saya menyukai dan comfortable dengan pelembab ini. Saat awal pemakaian justru muncul beberapa jerawat baru. Tapi.... saya udah bilang sebelumnya kalau saya ini bandel kan? XD Saya tetep aja pakai sesuai anjuran yakni 2 kali sehari. Setelah rutin dipakai hasilnya memuaskan kok. Sesuai promosinya lah. Spotless White Glow. Noda-noda bekas jerawat juga mulai memudar.
[This far I really love and am really comfortable with this moisturizer. In the first try there were some acnes appear. But... I said that I really stubborn, right? XD I kept use it as the direction, twice a day. After routinely aplying that, the result is good. Accordance to the promotion. Spotless White Glow. My acne scars also fading away.]
[This far I really love and am really comfortable with this moisturizer. In the first try there were some acnes appear. But... I said that I really stubborn, right? XD I kept use it as the direction, twice a day. After routinely aplying that, the result is good. Accordance to the promotion. Spotless White Glow. My acne scars also fading away.]
Wangi dari kedua produk sangatlah oke. Wangi teh hijaunya juga kentara.
Sayangnya tekstur dari facial foamnya agak membingungkan menurut saya. Jujur awalnya saya ngira dan takut bahwa ini sebenarnya scrub. Tapi sepertinya emang bukan. Kkk.... untuk pelembabnya over all okay lah. I love this product. Wanna try?
[The smell of the both products are really okay. The smell of the green tea is also obvious.
Unfortunately the texture of the foam is confusing. Honestly in the first try I was a bit worried that it was facial scrub or facial foam. But I think that was foam. Kkkk.... For the moisturizer, All over is okay. I love this product. Wanna try?]
[The smell of the both products are really okay. The smell of the green tea is also obvious.
Unfortunately the texture of the foam is confusing. Honestly in the first try I was a bit worried that it was facial scrub or facial foam. But I think that was foam. Kkkk.... For the moisturizer, All over is okay. I love this product. Wanna try?]
UPDATE 28 April 2014 : Guys, saya sudah berhenti memakai krim dan facial foam ini kurang lebih 2 minggu yang lalu. Awalnya hanya nge-test saja. Karena wajah saya mendadak jerawatan tanpa henti. Saya heran kenapa bisa gitu. Akhirnya saya mulai melakukan test kemungkinan tidak cocok. Awalnya saya lepas dari foam-nya dulu. Jerawat mulai berhenti. Dan saya coba lepas dari krim-nya juga. Meskipun dengan berat hati karena sehari-hari saya pakai ini.
Saya menggantinya dengan ini. Alhamdulillah wajah saya membaik. Mungkin bukan salah citra-nya ya, soalnya dulu saya cocok. Kalau menurut saya, kondisi muka saya yang berubah dan perubahan musim yang ekstrim juga berpengaruh.
Maaf dan terima kasih^^
Aku pakai Facial foamnya dan cucok lho :D
BalasHapusPertama kali aku jg kaget sama butiran kecil yg kaya scrub gitu, aku pikir itu butiran beras jepang. Iya ga sih? Haahaha
Aku pakai Facial foamnya dan cucok lho :D
BalasHapusPertama kali aku jg kaget sama butiran kecil yg kaya scrub gitu, aku pikir itu butiran beras jepang. Iya ga sih? Haahaha