Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

[Review] SOPHIE Paris Lipstick [Velvet Nude SPL7 + Blushy Pink SPL8]

Hihihi,... Hola,... Hola..... selain lipstick ini, saya juga punya this one yang sedang saya review. Beli sebenarnya nggak sengaja. Saya kan orangnya malas keluar. Jadi saya order ajah. Berhubung lipstick dari oriflame yang saya pesan masih 'stuck' di Surabaya, dan lipstick la tulipe saya [belum di review] sudah 'habis gelap terbitlah terang', saya akhirnya order lipstick SOPHIE Paris Lipstick [Velvet Nude SPL7 + Blushy Pink SPL8] ini dari katalognya sepupu saya. Hehe....

Nyatanya datengnya nggak beda2 tipis. Jadilah saya punya 4 lipstick sekaligus deh ^^. Itulah akibatnya orang nggak sabaran [kan kepepet!!!!] XD

bagian bawah

Harga dari lipstick ini lumayan terjangkau. Harga aslinya sekitar Rp 19,500. Karena waktu order ada dicount, harganya tinggal Rp 15,000.

Inilah warna lipsticknya.

velvet nude + blushy pink

Saya memang suka warna lipstick yang soft. Alias nggak terlalu terlihat saat di apply. Kkk... soalnya bibir saya kan agak 'heboh', ntar kalo menor bisa gawattt!!!! >.<

 it's soft and narural
Like :

1. Warnanya nggak terlalu menor [soft and natural]
2. Tersedia banyak pilihan warna
3. Tidak terlalu oily bila dipakai
4. Harga terjangkau

Dislike :

1. Warna lumayan cepat luntur

Will I re-purchase? Jawabannya, Kenapa tidak? Toh bila cepat hilang bisa di apply lagi^^ XD. Tapi saya nggak akan beli lagi dalam waktu dekat. Karena mulai sekarang saya mau coba eksplorasi banyak lipstick. Kkk.....

Well, sekian post saya kali ini. Sampai jumpa di postingan selanjutnya~ ;)

yang saya pakai adalah Sophie Paris Lipstick Blushy Pink SPL8


Hihihi,... Hola,... Hola..... instead of this lipstick, I also have this one that I'm reviewing. I purchased this unpurposely. I'm lazy to go out. So I just order my everythings. Cause my order from Oriflame was stuck ini Surabaya, and my la tulipe lipstick [didn't review yet] was already gone, so I purchased this SOPHIE Paris Lipstick [Velvet Nude SPL7 + Blushy Pink SPL8] from my cousin's catalouge. Hehe....

The fact the arrived of the lipstick was not too much time different. So I have 4 lipstick in once^^. That's the impact of being an unpatient person. XD

the lower side

The price of the lipstick is quiet cheap. The real price is about IDR 19,500. Because there was a discount when I bought it, the price was only IDR 15,000.

This are the lipsticks colors.

velvet nude + blushy pink

I love soft lipstick color. The color is not too much when it got applied. Kkk.... cause my lips are quiet 'crazy', if I used a sharp color it will be dangersss!!! >.<

 it's soft and narural
Like :

1. The color is soft and natural [not too much]
2. There are so many colors options
3. It's not to oily when it got applied
4. Cheap

Dislike :

1. The lipstick is quiet easy to remove [doesn't long last XD]

Will I re-purchase? The answer is WHY NOT? If it's easily removed, so I will easily apply it back^^ XD. But I won't repurchased in a soon time. Cause I will do an exploration in so many lipstick from now on. Kkkk.....

Well, It's over here, let's see again on my next post~ ;)

I used Sophie Paris Lipstick Blushy Pink SPL8

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