Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

140309 [Review] ORIFLAME Pure Colour Lipstick [Coral Rose + Radiant Red]

ORIFLAME Pure Colour Lipstick [Coral Rose + Radiant Red] ini bukanlah lipstick pertama saya. Dulu saya pakai La Tulipe  yang belum saya tulis review-nya :)

coral rose + radiant red

bagian bawah

bagian dalam

Dulu saya hanya kepincut diskon aja waktu beli ini. Nggak tahu-nya saya akhirnya suka. Karena warna yang dihasilkan lipstick mungil ini, tak se-ngejreng kelihatannya. Kkkk.... Warnanya soft dan tidak mencolok. Mungkin lipstick ini diberi nama 'Pure Colour' karena itu. ^^

warnanya soft kan?^^

Untuk si Coral Rose, warna ini memang favorite saya. Karena warna inilah yang menurut saya paling sesuai dengan bibir saya. Karena warna-nya hampir sama dengan warna bibir saya yang asli. Saya memang lebih suka segala hal yang berbau natural. Kkkk....

Kalau Radiant Red-nya, sebenarnya warna merah bukan gaya sekali. Untuk lipstick lho ya. Nggak tahu kenapa, nggak suka ajah. Tapi karena ini dulu gratis [bonus masuk member], ya saya terima aja. Nambah-nambah koleksi kan!? XD

Kelebihan ORIFLAME Pure Colour Lipstick [Coral Rose + Radiant Red] :

1. Warna tak terlalu mencolok
2. Lembut
3. Tidak membuat bibir kering
4. Sesuai untuk remaja dan after-remaja seperti saya XD
5. Harganya murah

Kekurangan ORIFLAME Pure Colour Lipstick [Coral Rose + Radiant Red] :

1. Terlalu oily
2. Gampang sekali luntur XD

Harganya adalah Rp 25,000. Kalau diskon bisa lebih murah lagi^^

Apakah saya akan beli lagi? Jawabannya tidak! Tidak karena saya mau beli yang lain untuk nambah koleksi^^


ORIFLAME Pure Colour Lipstick [Coral Rose + Radiant Red] are not my first lipsticks. I had used La Tulipe that I didn't write the review yet :)

coral rose + radiant red

lower part

 the lipstick inside

I purchased this only cause of discount that time. I don't know that finally I will like this. Because the color that this tiny lipstick gave isn't as strong as the color. Kkk... It's soft and not too much. Maybe that's why this lipstick named 'Pure Colour'.^^

 the color looks natural, right?

For the Coral Rose, this lipstick shade is my favorite. Because this color is the most suitable for my lips. The color is almost same with my lips. Yeah, I love everything's natural. Kkkk....

And the radiant red, actually red is not my style at all. For lipstick I mean. I don't know why, I just don't like it. But this was free [The bonus by being Oriflame member], so I just accepted it. For adding my collections. XD

Advantages of ORIFLAME Pure Colour Lipstick [Coral Rose + Radiant Red] :

1. The color isn't too much
2. very soft
3. Doesnt make lips dry
4. Suitable for teenagers and after-teenager like me XD
5. The price is not too much

Disadvantages of ORIFLAME Pure Colour Lipstick [Coral Rose + Radiant Red] :

1. Too oily
2. Easily erased XD

The price is only IDR 25,000. If there's a discount it can be cheaper^^

Will I re-purchased? The answer is NO! No cause I want to buy the other to add my collections^^

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